Coral Springs Charter students Alexis Newland, Cameron Broekelmann, and Kaitlyn Stewart. {David Volz}
Alexis Newland, Cameron Broekelmann, and Kaitlyn Stewart, students at Coral Springs Charter School, excel in the classroom and on the cheerleading squad.
Newland, 17, is a senior who lives in Coral Springs. She has a 5.3 grade point average, is in the top three percent of her class, and her favorite subject is English.
A student leader, Newland is co-captain of the cheerleading team and vice president of the senior class.
“I love being on the cheerleading team, and we are all friends,” said Newland. College is in her future, and she is considering the University of Florida, Florida State, and the University of Central Florida.
Broekelmann, a cheerleading team member, is a member of 11 student clubs. She has a 4.0 GPA, and her favorite subject is English. A junior who lives in Coral Springs, she is proud of her work in the National Honor Society and Student Government Association.
“I love being on the cheerleading team, and we have many good times together,” adding that as a member of the NHS, she has tutored many students who need academic help.
Stewart is passionate about cheerleading and considers the team a family. A junior who lives in Coral Springs, she has a 4.0 GPA and is a member of the National Honor Society, SGA, and DECA. She is interested in attending the University of Florida or the University of Kentucky.
McKenzie Palumbo, the Charter cheerleading coach, is proud of these girls and said they are school leaders dedicated to the cheerleading team.
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