Lieutenant Yoany Batista, Firefighter Sierra Leon-Jarjoura, and Lieutenant Charlie Gandia. {City of Margate}
The Margate Fire Department Advance Life Support team finished second out of 18 teams in the Florida Cup for overall performance in a series of competitions.
According to Vito Labriola, division fire chief, they were evaluated in simulated real-life emergencies with many victims and distractions. One example was a house fire with multiple victims, where the competitors would have to set up triage for the victims, assess, and provide treatment.
Another scenario was an active shooter in a densely populated area or a severe vehicle crash with multiple vehicles and victims, according to Labriola.
The team members are extensively trained and considered experienced and skilled fire rescue professionals. The team participated in eight competitions during 2024. “They took challenging situations, and they are eager to prove themselves. They are committed to being the best fire rescue professionals they can be,” said Labriola.
The team members include Charles Gandia, Yomy Batista, and Sierra Leon-Jarjoura. The team is preparing for the upcoming year. According to Labriola, the next competition will be on January 6 in Orlando.
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