State Rep Christine Hunschofsky and poll deputies during early voting. {courtesy}
From State Rep Christine Hunschofsky:
I hope the school year has gotten off to a wonderful start for everyone! It’s a busy time as we begin the school year and the holiday season approaches quickly.
The stressors of everyday life and the upcoming holidays can add to the difficulties some people are already experiencing. September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and a good time to talk to our family members and friends about suicide prevention.
If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call the new Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988. If you know someone who is struggling with their mental health, call 211 in Broward. Also, in Northwest Broward, we have wonderful organizations such as Eagle’s Haven Wellness Center eagleshaven.org which are there to help. Eagles Haven offers free wellness classes and also has licensed clinicians on site to help with people in crisis. They can also help people who need help navigate where to go to get that help.
One of the most important opportunities we have as citizens is the right to vote. September 17, 2024, is National Voter Registration Day and a great time to register to vote, check your voter registration status, and vote by mail requests.
Visit our Broward Supervisor of Elections website at BrowardVotes.gov for all information about registering and voting. This November there will be many amendments and elections on the ballot so make sure you are registered to vote and that your voter registration is up to date.
September is also budget season, and local and county governments will be approving their budgets and final tax rates. To learn more about your city and county budgets in District 95, please visit their websites at City of Coconut Creek – coconutcreek.net; City of Parkland – cityofparkland.org; City of Margate – margatefl.com; City of Coral Springs – coralsprings.org; Broward County – broward.org
Finally, on Monday, September 23, we will be hosting a Florida Licensing on Wheels (FLOW) event at the Coconut Creek Community Center, 1100 Lyons Road, Coconut Creek, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Services such as renewing IDs and licenses, changing addresses, converting out-of-state licenses to Florida licenses, and disability placards are available. Appointments are required and can be made by contacting our office at 954-956-5600 or HD095@myfloridahouse.gov.
My team and I are always available to help in any way we can. Please reach out to us if we can be of assistance. We have an email newsletter we send out on a regular basis with information about District 95, the legislative process, and available resources. If you would like to be added to our newsletter list, please email us with “subscribe” in the subject line. Additionally, connect with me on social media. You can find me on Facebook @RepChristineHunschofsky, Twitter @RepHunschofsky, or Instagram @ChrisHunschofsky.
Looking forward to hearing from you and staying in touch!
Christine Hunschofsky
District 95 includes Coconut Creek, Parkland, Margate, and a portion of Coral Springs.
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