Margate City Hall {City of Margate}
By Rich Zucchini
Guest Opinion
Recently, given that Arlene Schwartz is seeking re-election, this writer asked her from the podium to list what she felt were her signature accomplishments during her tenure.
After all, Schwartz held positions of commissioner, vice mayor, and even mayor, so there was plenty of opportunity to gather at least some response. Her response was absolute silence and a blank stare as if desperately trying to summon a response. She just ignored the request.
This is not what we expect from our elected officials, who should typically welcome the opportunity to speak about their accomplishments in office.
Below is a compiled list of some factual substantiated failures:
Developers Control
Over 95% of her campaign contributions are from developer/attorney interests. We need commissioners to represent resident interests. Can she represent us while she takes large donations from developers?
Abuse of Office
Currently, a complaint has been filed with the Florida Commission on Ethics for a campaign expense violation in 2020.
Abuse of Office
In 2024, Vice Mayor Schwartz wanted to take advantage of the City’s ARPA home improvement grant for residents, which she voted to approve. Florida Ethics Commission said absolutely no. Nice try, Schwartz; you cannot vote to approve funds for your benefit!
Seniors and Keep Margate Green advocates and all Residents
In 2021, then-Mayor Schwartz rejected the city acquisition of over 15 acres of land (Palm Lakes Golf Course), which was offered free to the city. Just west of the now-being-rebuilt Publix on Atlantic Blvd, and surrounded by the peaceful 55+ condos of the Palm Lakes community,
Schwartz did not create a public agenda vote to acquire this free land, which would have made a beautiful passive walking park with reforestation. Imagine passing up the free acquisition of over 15 acres of land in the heart of the city. It doesn’t take a visionary to recognize the benefit to the city. The city residents, Keep Margate Green advocates, and especially the senior residents of the Palm Lakes community should be outraged.
Imagine a candidate who professes to be a golf course “green space” advocate, walking away from the easiest free land acquisition that could actually be green space!
The property is now in the hands of a developer who has expressed interest in building a tall building in the center of senior housing (he will use the threat of soccer fields or outdoor night-lit recreation with screaming kids to build and eliminate “green space”). Former Mayor Schwartz, you owe this city and its residents an apology!
Business Applicants
In 2021, the city received an application for drive-in use. The Clutch Coffee Bar wanted to install a unique drive-through business on Coconut Creek Pkwy in a former bank drive-through. This unfortunate property had been empty for eight years and had very little potential for any other use.
With her flippant comments, Schwartz frustrated the applicants by suggesting expensive and significant reconstruction expenses and sent the applicant running to a more favorable city. Years later, the property is still empty with very few other uses and likely will remain that way.
Empty buildings are an eyesore, a repository for the homeless, and an embarrassment for the city. Thank you, Schwartz!
Veterans Respect Issue
In 2018, Schwartz, in a deposition regarding a proposed facility for Veterans and First Responders with PTSD, compared veterans with PTSD to sexual predators. Yes, she actually did that. In the trial, the judge, in disbelief at her comments, tried to make excuses for her. Schwartz seems to have a record of unfortunate remarks. Regardless of discussing zoning issues, Our Veterans and First Responders deserve better respect than this.
Margate Police Department
In 2017, while professing to be an ardent supporter of our first responders, Schwartz made an immature remark about our Margate Police Department at a time when other city police officers had been attacked. Schwartz made the remark in their presence, “We have a bet going on how many cops we can mow down.” It resulted in an article published in Broward Beat and A formal complaint issued to the Margate City Manager and Police Chief forwarded by the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) director and (FOP) union chief traveling down from Tallahassee, filling the commission hall with LEO’s and rebuking Schwartz.
Of course, in her response to the Broward Beat article, one would have expected the maturity of an elected official to apologize for an unfunny, immature joke, but no, Schwartz decidedly denied she ever said it, basically calling all of the MPD officers who were present liars. Our Police Department deserves better.
Zoning decision In 2018, Schwartz voted against counting a two-car garage as two parking spaces “because people use their garage as storage.” Schwartz has a two-car garage that is full of storage. She is a hoarder with a sedentary retired lifestyle. She does not empathize with younger families who have more cars and an active lifestyle. Now, developers are discouraged from building two-car garages.
Respectful Behavior
If you are a fan of watching our commission meetings, you will recognize. Schwartz loves to interrupt her fellow commissioners from the dais because she feels that what she says is more important.
Her ego knows no limits. If you approach the dais to say something to Schwartz, she will wait until you leave the podium and then offer an arrogant, uncaring response. She will never debate or discuss your issue at the podium.
Her tactic: She knows you cannot respond after leaving the podium. She knows just what to say to look good; otherwise, she will ignore your comments and wait for you to go away.
From her dais comments, it becomes apparent that she often privately speaks with her neighbor on the same block, Commissioner Caggiano. There is no sunshine law for her.
Schwartz can always be seen shadowing Mayor Ruzzano all around town. He is well-liked and hoping it will rub off on her. Ruzzano offers good ideas and vision, but Schwartz just follows and talks about the “old” days. If there is a good idea, she professes to have already thought of it, but she hasn’t done anything about it.
Schwartz asks for your vote, so it’s time to tell her NO!
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