Proposed Nove Townhomes. {City of Margate}
Margate leaders are still deliberating on the most effective approach to develop the land formerly occupied by the Margate Executive Golf Course.
The Fimiani Development Corporation has proposed a 132-unit, two-story townhome community known as Nove of Margate on 21.3 acres to provide additional housing in Margate. However, a growing number of Margate residents are against the Nove development. According to Marilyn Kneeland of Keep Margate Green, at least 3,562 people have signed a petition opposing it.
Residents involved with Keep Margate Green spoke against the development during a recent board meeting. They raised issues such as overcrowding, too much traffic on city roads, increased demand for city services, and the loss of open space.
According to Juli Van Der Meulen, a leader of Keep Margate Green, housing should never be built on a former golf course because so many toxic chemicals have been deposited on the land. She is also concerned about flooding., and believes some commissioners are caving to corporate greed.
“We think keeping as much green space in Margate as possible is important. Once they build on the land, the green space is gone forever, and we can’t get it back. I would love to keep the land a golf course or at least stay recreational. I am against people living on toxic soil,” Van Der Meulen said.
According to her, Margate’s infrastructure will struggle to accommodate more residents. “We will see more traffic on the roads and many more children in the schools.”
The planning and zoning board approved a subdivision resurvey of Nove on August 13. Matthew Scott, a lawyer representing Fimiani, told the board that all the requirements for the resurvey had been met.
Eventually, approval for the development will be placed on an agenda for the commission to vote on. So far, the majority of the commission members have been in favor of the development.
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