Chief Bradly McKeone
A Message from Coral Springs Police Chief Bradley McKeone
I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I hope that those in our community were able to enjoy the holidays and spend time with family and friends.
Last November, we completed the Communications (Dispatch) Expansion Project, which extends our dispatch services to the City of Coconut Creek. The amount of work that went into this project to make it a success was nothing short of amazing. I want to thank the staff from multiple departments, recent retirees, and the outstanding dispatch employees for all their hard work and dedication. Without you, this would not have happened. The City of Coral Springs takes great pride in operating our own communications center. Our call team is committed to providing the highest level of service possible. Our vision is “Exceptional Service, Compassionate Care,” which we strive to achieve on every call we receive. It is our unified belief that the City of Coconut Creek will be pleased with this level of service.
Monday, January 9, was Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. I want to thank our community for always showing appreciation to the members of our police department throughout the year. I will be the first one to say thank you to all of them for their dedicated service and sacrifice to keep all of us safe throughout the year.
January also marks the second half of the school year for students. As a reminder, please be aware of the school zones that will be activated during pick-up and drop-off times, and please be mindful of students who will be walking or riding to school. If you encounter school zones along your commute, allow yourself extra time to slow down and travel safely.
January 30 through February 3 is Identify Theft Awareness Week. This serves as a good reminder to never supply your social security number to an untrusted source. I recommend all residents check their credit scores at least once per year to identify and flag any unusual activity.
We remind our residents to remain aware of phishing emails or texts that try to trick you into providing personal information. Scammers will impersonate a familiar company or organization via email or text messages to try to steal passwords, account numbers, or Social Security numbers. If they get that information, they could get access to your email, bank, or other accounts. Always verify the validity of suspicious communications directly with the company.
The city is still collecting community donations for a new Memorial Garden at the Public Safety Complex (2801 Coral Springs Drive) that will honor our fallen officers, firefighters, and dispatchers. The garden will be meaningfully designed to be a peaceful space featuring an eternal flame and LED-lighted pathway and seating. Donations can be made online.
I will be hosting a “Meat with the Chief” BBQ on Saturday, February 4, at the Public Safety Complex. This will be an opportunity for us to get together, say hello, and introduce ourselves if we have not had the opportunity yet. Proceeds from this event will go to the Public Safety Memorial Garden. More information will be available at CoralSprings.gov/events.
It’s hard to believe that February 14, 2023,
marks the 5th Anniversary of the violence that took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, which shattered the lives of many in our community and took the lives of 17 innocent victims. I will never forget what was lost that day, and will continue to keep the families who lost their loved ones in my thoughts and prayers. I plan to gather with members of the community at Pine Trails Park in Parkland at 5:30 p.m. on the 14th for an inter-faith service to honor the victims of this senseless tragedy. The service is open to the public.
Please connect with me on Facebook at Chief McKeone.
Bradley McKeone
Chief of Police
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